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  5. Axioma Servisas will supply smart meters to Vilniaus šilumos tinklai and Litesko

Axioma Servisas will supply smart meters to Vilniaus šilumos tinklai and Litesko

Axioma Servisas UAB, a company providing the widest range of maintenance services to industrial and infrastructure companies is happy to have successfully secured two more important public procurements. This time, the team of the Scanning Systems Department undertook to deliver hot water meters with a remote scanning function to two companies in the energy sector – Vilniaus šilumos tinklai AB and Litesko UAB.

21,500 meters to Vilniaus šilumos tinklai

The largest Lithuanian heat and hot water supplier Vilniaus šilumos tinklai has announced a public procurement procedure for acquiring meters. Having become the successful tenderer, Axioma Servisas undertook to deliver as many as 21,500 hot water meters with a remote data reading function.

The smart meters of the German manufacturer Qundis will be delivered in three phases – in batches of 9,000, 4,500 and 8,000 units. The entire quantity of ordered meters will be delivered within 160 business days.

The value of the signed contract is more than 600 thousand euros.

2,800 meters to be supplied to Litesko

Litesko UAB, which manages the centralized heating systems of cities and settlements, will also be supplied with hot water meters with a remote reading function. 2,800 units will be allocated to Druskininkų šiluma and Marijampolės šiluma.

Smart meters of two different lengths – 80 mm and 110 mm – will be supplied to the aforementioned energy companies. 1,400 and 1,200 (respectively) Qundis meters will be delivered to Marijampolės šiluma, and 200 meters to Druskininkų šiluma.

Litesko will be ordering the produces as required.

The team of the Scanning Systems Department performs the equipment selection, its supply, installation and connection work. Moreover, it collects data, prepares reports and supervises the operation of the entire remote scanning system.