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  5. The Construction Sector Development Agency issued an updated qualification certificate to Axioma Servisas

The Construction Sector Development Agency issued an updated qualification certificate to Axioma Servisas

On July 8 of this year, the Construction Sector Development Agency (SSDA) issued an updated qualification certificate to Axioma Servisas, granting the right to be a special building construction contractor.

The previously valid certificate only granted the company the right to be a contractor for residential and non-residential buildings. With the updated certificate, the list of structures has been expanded to include engineering oil and heat networks.

Additionally, the certificate grants Axioma Servisas the right to:

  • Install heat production equipment up to 120 MW (instead of 20 MW)
  • Perform earthworks, and construct and install building structures (concrete, metal, masonry) (new)
  • Lay heat supply networks (new)
  • Install engineering systems for building heating, ventilation (new), and air conditioning (new)
  • Install engineering systems for heating, oil, or other fuel technologies
  • Install building electrical engineering systems
  • Install process control and automation systems
  • Install building remote communication (telecommunications) engineering systems
  • Install building security alarms and fire safety engineering systems